Japanese people refuse to work hard

The Japanese economy had picked up speed last year till last month. But suddenly out of the blue the Japanese economy slowed down. The Japanese people refused to work hard and put in those extra hours to compete with its larger neighbor. There are two theories that have been cooked up that explain this sudden problem.
"Its that stupid PS3", said one left wing political leader. We have all seen the lines of people waiting to buy their over priced PS3. If people are standing in line they are obviously not working and this has lead to a slowdown.
The same theory extends : Sony's entire top management is being blackmailed by China. The Chinese government holds the recording of the last Sony bash where they invited a couple of strippers (male strippers). The Chinese dream of kicking Japan's ass will finally come true. Basically their plan is to get the entire nation addicted to the PS3 and then when no one is looking attack Japan. And replace their Emperor with another person preferably a convict and get a face transplant done. The police is watching "Face off" to get clues.
A government inquiry is being setup into it today.
There is also a counter point tot he sudden slowdown in the Japanese economy. A leading Psychologist has pointed out to the fact that the PS3 is actually shit. Which could have triggered a feeling of "What a big F***ing idiot I am" resulted in a complete demoralization and loss of interest in work.
Or maybe its fear of Godzilla... The Original News
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