Islamic Fighters take the UN to the UN

The Somalian Islamist who have taken over most of Southern Somalia are taking the UN to the UN. They have figured out a loop hole in the system. They are now in the process of passing this information to their very barbaric neighbors. The military rulers of these countries are laughing as they realized the bureaucratic hurdle in amending procedures in the UN.
In the mean time there is a mad party for all the military rulers ,the liberation army people and War lords of Africa.
As the great jungle saying in Africa goes "the best defense is offense". The Islamist warlords decided to take the UN to the UN and let it get caught in its own paper work. The idea is to fill the United Nations headquarters with so much paper that they cannot do anything else, Even filing them will take ages.
This news has worried the UN as they are helpless and powerless against bureaucratic paperwork. The UN unanimously passed a judgment condemning this idea.
"Because of our new 364 page form the last genocide in Africa took us only 6 months to react. Our condemnation of the action lead to the slowing down of the killing", A Proud senior bureaucrat in the UN.
According to the Hitch hikers guide to the galaxy the United nations is the second most bureaucratic organization in the galaxy the 1st is the Vogons who wont save their own grandmother......... The Original News
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