Monday, December 04, 2006

Afghanistan's Leader

"The job in Afghanistan is not done. We are doing the best we can!!", said Mr Karzaai

Mr Karzaai has been the president for 5 years. In the many interviews he has given since then he has made it clear that he didn't want the job. We have unconfirmed reports about the day he found out he was chosen by a computer at random from a long list of people which includes Michel Jackson, Shakeel o Neel , Brain Adams, That Guy from that tooth paste commercial and Davide blaine amongst other people.

He even wrote a long list of reason why he shouldn't go. Which included the famous "I cant speak Afghani" line.

After all of that he was shipped off to Afghanistan. People had a very hard time understanding him because of his accent.

"It will be an uphill to get the entire country to speak in an American accent, but we will spend all we can." task said

But after 3 years the war rages on because of president Karzaai's heavy accent. People from different clans villages and provinces have different interpretations of his speech.

Mr Karzaai stated that he will not rest until the entire country has an accent.
The Original News


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