Friday, November 24, 2006

After much whining qubec allowed to stay

After a long whing by the qubecian representatives infront of the Canadian parliament. A giant "We are sorry card" along with 5 truck full of candy was also presented as a peace offering. The Government told them that they could stay in the union of Canada. The problem started when one of the qubecian representatives spoke louder than necessary, this lead to name calling and some "Your mama's so fat jokes". The constant talking in French also pissed every one off.

The Canadian Gov official line remained "They are getting on our nerves, but how can we say no to chocolates"

The origins of this conflict starts way back in the early Mesozoic era when the first Mammoths were slay en by the people. There was a certain Cave man from Quebec who missed the mammoth completely and hit the chief of Canada. Though we have no recorded eye witnesses to this event. But I am pretty certain its true , this really old man told me.


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